31 January 2010

Of dogs & kids

As much as I gripe about being busy at work, I would much rather be busy than idle or bored. 9 years ago, before I joined my current company, I was doing well at a small firm located close to home. 15 minute commute (that's with traffic), smaller employee base, a lot more freedom to make decisions. But, after two years, I was bored. I know, I should have been grateful for the job, but I felt that, to me it was not enough of a challenge. Well, as I have said before, be careful what you wish for. Now I am busier than (as my mother would say) a one-arm paper hanger with an itch and, in spite of my grumbling, I am glad for it.

Yesterday was one of those busy weekends where you kick off at dawn and don't slow down till past 10. Got up took care of dogs, had to run to store for a few o&e, took a bunch of gear to my trailer, dropped off recycling, drove over to in-laws to install a new light and replace smoke detectors, drove across town to seeda niece, tried out some Mongolian BBQ, head back home to walk dogs.

Claire is doing better each day. She finally wore me down with the sad-eyed, mournful looks and I relented and took off her cone. She is much happier (and prettier) without the lampshade. No interest in licking herself, so things seem to be going well. I even started taking the pair for a walk again. It's funny how Grayson has matched his gait to hers so that the two seem to walk shoulder-to-shoulder at the same pace. So far, no problems walking two dogs at once, but we have yet to have any cat encounters.

We met up with my brother & wife (the new grandparents) and drove across town for a brief visit with the new parents and their bundle of joy. Momma is doing well, tired and fretting over her new baby. Daddy is tired as well, but beaming like a drunken fool. Juliana is an adorable girl. She is sweet and innocent and cute - gonna be a handful when she is older.

It's been 21+ years since I held onto an infant like that. Brings back memories.


terri said...

In the job world, busy is good. Especially these days. But I know what you mean. I hate to be bored. I love to be challenged. Going to work is so much easier when you wake up and can actually look forward to the day's challenges.

Glad to hear Claire is doing well and I'm sure she's relieved to be out of the cone of embarrassment.

The baby is absolutely beautiful and I'll bet she's truly a bundle of joy.

meleah rebeccah said...

Oh to hold a new born baby again! Juliana looks sooo sweet and tiny.

And I agree with you, I would rather be busy at work and feel challenged than watching the clock tick!

Oh, and Im happy Claire is slowly breaking YOU down with her sad eyes and lampshade free head!

Rock Chef said...

Funny how dogs like to walk shouldr to shoulder.

When I walk Custard (Golden Lab) and Spot (Jack Russell), they try to do the shoulder to shoulder thing, even though it is more "shoulder to ankle"!

Abby said...

I'm like you. I'd rather be too busy than bored. I think even if your job slowed down, you'd find other ways to be too busy!

Before our other dog died, I used to walk them with the 2-headed leash. Didn't take long for the alpha to emerge - China in that case. Like a backseat driving henpecking wife!

Beautiful baby. I want to hold her too!