22 March 2009

Thanks, Mom!

Not to be narcissistic, but 52 years ago yesterday, a terrific woman went into the hospital and unleashed upon this innocent world me. In some ways, she is to blame for my condition. She gave me life and love and opportunity that I can never repay. No matter where my parents are on the road, I know my mom will always call to congratulate me (she did) and I am truely grateful to her for being here. Why should I wait for May 10th to thank her?

I am not a big fan of birthday parties (especially mine). I prefer to celebrate mine in quiet reflection of the past years. I feel that I owe a lot to other people and they deserve the credit/recognition for my success.

Went out to BJ's Brewery with the spouse and son to celebrate. Nice place, not too noisy, good food, good beer. I really don't expect anything for my birthday but do appreciate what I get. Got a new watch and DVD (Batman) and a good bottle of Glenfiddich. Life is pretty darn good.


meleah rebeccah said...
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meleah rebeccah said...



agg79 said...

Merci Beaucoup!

Abby said...

Happy Birthday! Nice of you to thank your mom too!

Jay G said...

Happy (belated) birthday, bro.

I've reached the point in my life where I can no longer go "50? That's OLD!".

'Cuz I'm a hell of a lot closer to 50 than I am 18...

Hope it was a good one!