12 May 2009

Max capacity

Ok, who keeps moving the finish line?

This is another one of my whiney grips about the mountain of crap we have to do at work. I know, I know, I should be grateful for the work and the opportunity and staying busy, but do you have to pile it on at one time? I feel like posting that OSHA warning sign:

Typical week on the farm. Multiple reports due, several status meetings, still trying to test out the new system (we go live in July), trying to coordinate deliveries, just got tagged with two audit responses, the finance auditor want to dig up information from two years ago, trying to go to a funeral tomorrow, got a doctor's appointment Friday, got reviews to write, and trying to plan a road trip in June. I like being busy, but sometimes I feel like the old carnival ride that's seen one too many state fairs.

At least I can honestly say its not boring (who has the time?)...


terri said...

I guess the only thing I can say is what people keep saying to me. Busy is good. It means you still have a job.

Rock Chef said...

I like being busy but there is a limit.

Love the sign!

Abby said...

Yeah, I like being busy too, but there's a line to be drawn where "happily busy" becomes "stressed out and cranky".

meleah rebeccah said...

That sign is CLASSIC!