31 May 2009

Sunday parables

Short but busy week.

I've been trying to fight off a cold for two weeks without much success. I tried to cowboy up and fight it off without any meds but finally resorted to getting some Sudafed Friday to see if I can dry out. Really sucks being sick. Haven't run in two weeks and I am feeling the effects. Now that the meds have kicked in, I am feeling a bit better. Not 100% but definitely better. Was able to get out an mow the yard yesterday and even gave the dog his first bath. He was better behaved than Shadow, but still did not enjoy the experience. (Note to self: Grayson has way more hair than previous dog - takes much longer to dry. Take him outside to shake off).

Junior is settling in in Seattle as an intern employee of the evil empire (Microsoft). Got a great apartment next to the campus and has already bought a bike to get around town/work. He is still trying to figure out the routine, but, he has a definite plan on what he wants to do. He has a very bright future and is on a track to be a success. Of all my fears/concerns/angst I have had in my life, one of my bigger ones has been is if he will succeed in life. It's one of those nagging fears that parents sometimes get - will their children be safe/happy/successful. In high school, he was not very outgoing and had a select group of friends. He was not a real jock and was more of a math whiz and not what I would call a rebel (unless he was out splitting infinitives). IMHO, being a boy scout and a band geek, may have labeled him as a geek, but he wore that badge proudly. He is very bright and intelligent and knows what he wants in life. My mom & dad raised me to be an independant thinker and not have to depend upon them when I departed the next and I have tried the same with my sone. While I will always be the concerned dad that he will be ok, I am no longer worried about his future. I know he will achieve success in anything he tackles. I try not to be boastful, but I am proud of him and his accomplishments.

We are making plans on going up in the late June to visit with him and my brother. I really cannot afford to take off from work (project deadlines), it's gonna cost a lot of coin, gotta coordinate logistics, long flight & late arrivals, need to find someone to take care of the dog. Given all of those excuses of why not to go, I remembered: Life is not convenient. It will not sit and wait for a better opportunity to come along.

Life's short. Play hard.


terri said...

Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. My guess is that the pressure at work and life's hectic pace lately have taken their toll. Hope it all passes soon.

As for your son...Back in my day, being in scouts/band/choir/theater were things that put kids in the geek category. (I fit in somewhere in there back then.) These days, I don't know if it's just me having grown up or if attitudes have truly changed (let's hope.) But it seems that no matter what it is you're good at, that is what makes you "cool." Cool is so subjective anyway. I've often wondered why we used to place band and theater kids in the "uncool" box when in real life, we seem to worship those in the music and movie industries. I was looking through Jake's yearbook, and was happy to see that these days, at his school at least, kids who found success in any category, not just sports, are celebrated. Kudos to your son for being comfortable in his own skin and working hard toward his own dreams.

meleah rebeccah said...

Geeks are way cooler!

I do hope that you feel betters soon, and I know what you mean about being worried about your son's future. All parents drive ourselves crazy!!