07 February 2008

Doing better

Was able to finally break house restriction for the first time yesterday and get out for a bit of a drive. Been over two weeks since the surgery/recovery and I was feeling the urge to hit the road. Enjoyed most of the afternoon doing general chores although I think I am paying for it this morning (pulled a muscle). Oh well, a little coffee & some ibhurtin and I should be better soon. Nothing makes you appreciate the freedom of mobility like being on restricted duty.

Weather down here (south Texas) was fantastic (for once). Cool (~low 50s) & clear for the next few days. I know my friends up north are buried under a mountain of snow, but we rarely see the white stuff down in this neck of the woods (about once every 5-10 years). The last time we had a "dusting" of snow, they closed half the city. As a veteran of the east coast and having spent a number of years in Germany, I am familiar with a long & cold winter season. While I miss the snow, I certainly don't miss having to scrape the car windows or dig my car out of the snow bank (thanks, Mr Plowman!).

Now that my infirmity is past me, I can start making plans for future adventures. Spending a few weeks off from work has given me some new insight and time to reflect on things. I have definitely spend way too much time on the net reading blogs or checking out various websites or playing Mahjong (definitely need to get a life). Have uncovered several new/interesting sites to follow along with keeping up with my favorites (thanks, Terri). Have been inspired by Darrin to rekindle my culinary skills. I ain't a rookie in the kitchen, but have been letting my darling bride do most of the meal preparation lately and feel the need to share the load (I do clean up). Besides, gives me a chance to test out some of Darrin's interesting recipies.

Badges? We don't need no steenkin badges!

1 comment:

Terri said...

So they finally set you loose! Bet that felt good.

Your weather does sound wonderful. We haven't had a lot of snow yet, but it is predicted to snow the next four days so we may be getting our due.