24 July 2009

Shuffle off to Buffalo

Back out on the road (again).

We are in round 2 of our software validation and, as usual, it is going very slowly. Seems like everything we did last time has changed ever-so-slightly which makes us have to spend more time checking it out. Been working the weekends, very long days/nights. Lots of mind-numbing, repetitive testing with regular status update reports/meetings (are we there, yet?).

In the midst of all of this hoop-la, I am headed back on the road again for another supplier audit. This time I am headed north to Buffalo. At least if I have to go into upstate New York, I am going at a decent time of year. Planning to take a side trip to Niagra Falls, if time allows. It's been over 40 years since the last time I visited the falls as a kid.


terri said...

You're working too hard. I hope you do find the time to visit Niagara Falls.

Rock Chef said...

Hope you get to the falls - all that travelling and dull work must have a benefit!

meleah rebeccah said...

I certainly hoe you get the time to stop by Niagra Falls!!

Abby said...

Oh, you must visit the Elvis museum...

agg79 said...

Thanks everyone.
Did get a chance to visit the falls. Majestic views. Impressive display of mother nature's power. Got wet.