14 May 2013

More cars and dogs

Few more shots from the art car parade on Saturday....

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Along with a few videos of the action...

And Grayson is doing better.  We took him back to vet yesterday and they pulled the rest of the staples and checked out the spots on his neck.  The vet declared him ok but he has developed a hot spot that we need to keep an eye on.  Unfortunately for Gray, that means another few days back in the horse collar.  At least they did not have to restaple him.  No dog park for another week or so.  


Rock Chef said...

Hope Grayson continues to mend and gets rid of that collar soon!

Some of those cars are great - love the giant VW Beetle!

ShadowRun300 said...

I suppose it's best that you followed the rules about leaving your four-legged friends at home, considering Grayson still needs some recovery time. You definitely should break the rules next year though - since everyone else is. :)
The pictures and videos are hilarious! I love that you take the time to attend these things. We don't see much of that around here. Funny that RC loved the VW Beetle. That car actually gave me the willies. :/

Abby said...

That car parade is too fun. I think the giant VW looks like something post-apocalypse a la Mad Max. Hmmm... hot spot for Grayson? I'm sure he's ready to ditch the collar.

meleah rebeccah said...



I would LOVE to see a car parade like that one!

lotta joy said...

I have always hated parades for some reason, but that one would have me on the sidewalk taking photos. Looks like a parade an oldster would enjoy!

terri said...

The tubers look like they're having a lazy, fun time of it.

Hope Grayson continues to get better so he can get back to routine.