22 July 2008

On the road again

Getting ready for another road trip out west! Trying to get things together for a short hop to California to visit the son and family. I've never been to northern California, but always wanted to see Frisco. Something about the Streets of San Francisco, that Rice-a-Roni treat, the Rock, and taking a trip down Lombard Street just seems to peak my interest. This is one of those towns/places that I have never been to but have seen it a million times in the movies. Planning to take the digital to get some random shots of the obligatory sights (Alcatraz, Pier 39, Chinatown, Golden Gate, and the cable cars). This trip is mean to check up on our son and how he is doing out west, but I have always been a geek for road trips and love to travel to new places. May try to post pictures later.

Now I just need to pull out my copies of Dirty Harry, Magnum Force, and The Enforcer...

While I am on the road spending money and eating bad food, remember to keep a candle burning for Terri while she is off the grid in surgery. A brave and selfless person that we can all take a lesson from.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope your trip is fantastic! I haven't had much chance to do a road trip yet, but while driving my parents back home from Arizona a couple years ago, with my face plastered against the van window, shouting, "Look at that! Look at THAT! Are you sure we don't have time to stop?" I realized, I could totally do road trips on a regular basis! Take lots of pictures on yours. I'd love to see what you see.

And thank you for keeping a candle burning for my dad and me!