12 February 2014

Improvise, adapt and overcome

I am an old fart.  I've been down the road a good ways.  Some of that journey was on pavement, some was on dirt, and a few times it was in a ditch.  Life has taught me a few valuable lessons you don't get any any school, some lessons have stuck, some took a while to set in.  Set a goal, work hard to achieve it.  Enjoy the little things.  Always maintain your sense of humor.  And always remain flexible.  You never know what lies ahead around that curve.  

Out trip started out well yesterday.  Was pretty much on track per my plan.  Made it to Minnesota in good time, picked up the rental, and set off to a small town in Wisconsin where we are camped out for the night.  While heading up to our rooms, my coworker got a call from her daughter back in Houston. Daughter is 35 weeks pregnant and not due until mid-March but had gone into hospital for check up.  She felt the baby might not wait until March 20th, but had plenty of time.  Or so everyone thought.  Daughter called to tell mom that her water broke.  Young girl (if you call 25 young) first kid, husband is with her but is in high panic mode.  My coworker, the mom, had every intention of being there with her from the outset but this did not factor into her plans.  Ok.  Change of plans.  We are an hour from the airport, it is past 1800, last flights leave MSP around 1930, and it was starting to snow, so getting out last night was not an option.  Spent a good hour plus on the phone with the airline and my travel agent and was able to get a spot on an early direct flight out first thing this morning.  The rep from the company I am visiting with today offered to take her directly to the airport so as to let me continue my audit.  I felt guilty that I was not taking her, but he has way more experience than I when it comes to driving on snow and ice, so I took him up on the offer.  I would buy him a drink, if he drank.  Maybe a latte.  As of 0600, coworker is at airport waiting to board.  Should be back in Houston by 1030 and with her daughter and new granddaughter by noon.  5lbs, 10oz born around 2300 last night.  Everyone is doing fine.  Wild way to start out a road trip, eh?


meleah rebeccah said...

"Some of that journey was on pavement, some was on dirt, and a few times it was in a ditch.  Life has taught me a few valuable lessons you don't get any any school, some lessons have stuck, some took a while to set in.  Set a goal, work hard to achieve it.  Enjoy the little things.  Always maintain your sense of humor.  And always remain flexible.  You never know what lies ahead around that curve." ----- I seriously love every single word in that whole paragraph!

"I felt guilty that I was not taking her, but he has way more experience than I when it comes to driving on snow and ice, so I took him up on the offer." ----- Don't feel guilty. That was definitely the right and smart move.

And yes - what an "interesting" way to start your road trip!!

Abby said...

Well, how's that for a change of plans! I'd heard that a ride in an airplane can induce labor, but I didn't know that's how it worked.

ShadowRun300 said...

Yep. You just never know what's around that corner...
I'm just sad that she wasn't there for the birth like she had hoped, but sounds like she had a lot of people helping her to get home as quick as possible.
So you're on your own now, huh? Have fun with the roads! Hopefully you didn't go for the Mustang rental car.

terri said...

What an unexpected surprise. Too bad your coworker missed the birth of her granddaughter but I'm sure she's grateful for all of the help in getting her there as quickly as possible.

Good call letting the seasoned veteran drive to the airport. People drive like idiots, particularly during the winter season.