26 November 2009


Many Thanks !
Muchas Gracias !,
Molte Grazie !
Shukran !
Xie Xie !
Tusind Tak !,
Merci Beaucoup!
Danke Schön !
Domo Arigato !
Muito Obrigado !
Bolshoiy Spasibo!!!!

As I get ready to stuff the bird and toss him in the oven, I like to take a moment to remember what we have that we to be thankful for:
  • our life
  • our health
  • our families
  • our friends
  • our home
  • our prosperity
  • our freedoms
  • our upbringing
  • our surroundings

I am grateful to have the opportunity to enjoy some of these blessings with my family. I want to remember those who cannot be home with their loved ones. To those men & women who serve abroad, to those working to protect us from harm, to those who stand ready to lend aid and comfort, I thank you. It is on your shoulders we stand so that we can enjoy today with our families and friends. I hope that whereever you are, whatever you are doing, you can take a moment to enjoy the day and remember our blessings.

Thank you...


Rock Chef said...

Have a great Thanksgiving!

We don't do it over here, of course...

But I am thinking about doing something special this weekend anyway, as I am getting jealous!

terri said...

Happy Thanksgiving, J! I count your friendship as one of my many blessings.

agg79 said...


You can celebrate it anywhere. I once celebrated Thanksgiving dinner in Vienna Austria with a group of Army families. Nice, but not quite like momma used to make.


Thanks! One of my other blessings is the great friends that I have made through this blog.