23 April 2009

Kilroy was here

Dang, I feel old.

I've been having a little fun at work with some of my co-workers (unprofessional) and their new temporary digs. One woman and I have a ongoing friendly sparring match. She is trying to con me into joining their weekly yoga sessions and I am trying to get her on a 10k run (tried to get her to run the 5k run held in tandem with the marathon). All in good fun/spirits. Anyway, she has been grousing about her new cube which, in her opinion is "out in the middle of traffic and unadorned and boring". As concerned coworkers, we have taken turns to leaving notes on her terminal to lighten up personal space. I have even posed a set of eyes on her terminal along with the ominous message "We're watching you". I know - that's juvenile but she find this all amusing. Today, however, I left her the picture below and she thought it was some sort of lewd drawing. I told her what it was and she did not believe me at first. What got me feeling old was how few of her cube mates recognized the picture.

So, pop quiz, folks.
How many of y'all recognize this picture?
Do you know who it is and were it came from?


Rock Chef said...

I recognise him, but he was more in my younger brother's time than mine. I guess he took his time getting across the Atlantic.

Abby said...

I certainly remember Kilroy, but don't know where he came from. He's creepy.

terri said...

I know Kilroy. I used to draw him all the time. As for his origins? No idea.

LkyPeep said...

That's Kilroy, as in "Kilroy was Here".

Originated during WWII/European Theater. Many claim to know the "real" story of how he started.... who knows which is accurate. The guy had legs though. Not only was he a great rally point for the troops in WWII AND Korea, people have Kilroy'd places and spaces all over the US.

agg79 said...

LkyPeep nailed it on the head.
Old drawing dating back to WWII that got around a lot. One of those urban legends that has faded with time.

Rock Chef said...

Wow, I never knew that! You live and learn.

Rock Chef said...

Wow, I never knew that! You live and learn.

Oscar said...

So am I old if I knew that? LOL

meleah rebeccah said...

I have no idea where or who invented that drawing, but my Poppa Sye doodles that a lot.