28 January 2008

No complaints

Well, not that many...

Figured I need to keep this up if it is ever gonna take hold.

Spend the last week trying to recoup from my recent stent in the hospital for prostate surgery. The procedure was not as bad as I had imagined, but the recovery's been a pain. Three hour surgery and two days in the hospital before they kicked me out to go home with a couple of parting gifts (staples, catheter). Not sure which was more of a pain: gettin gutted like a fish or having to live on a clear liquid only diet for a week. Was glad to be able to get back on a real food diet this weekend although I am sticking to the mild side (no General Tso chicken or Fajitas for a while). Looking forward to a good frozen margarita by next weekend.

For those who have been down this path before, you have my sympathy and respect. I am glad to have had it done, but the recovery is taking its toll. Getting more mobile every day and the pain is less of an issue, but still fairly limited. My biggest problem (aside of the continuing presence of the catheter) is not getting a good solid night's sleep. I can rest but have yet to be able to sleep through the night. If I can get a good 8 (heck I'd take 6) hours of sleep, I think life would be fantastic. Still, except for this minor issue, I am doing well, so I really don't have much to complain about. Glad to be over the surgery and trying to deal with the normal day-to-day problems.

One think I have to note is that a lot of people I have not heard from in years have popped up to wish me well and pray for me. Makes me truely humble & grateful to have these kinds of friends in my court. I am trying to send messages of thanks to everyone as I can wade through the e-mails.

19 January 2008

Wow, has is been a year since I attempted this deal? What a lazy bastard.

I thought I would try my hand at blogging like the rest of ya'll out there but did not seem to want to stick with it. I have begun to appreciate a lot of the long time bloggers out there who stick with it every day. Not sure I could be lucid every day but willing to give it a try.

Here's an update on me since I made my last attempt at blogging (if anyone cares)...

Went hunting with my brother out in Del Rio (bagged an 85 lb hog), went to Puerto Rico for a week my nephew's wedding, got to spend 12 days on the trail backpacking with a crew of scouts at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, attended most of the Aggie home games, passed my CHL test (still waiting on the background check) and, oh yea, got told that I have prostate cancer. Ain't that a bitch? Was feeling pretty damn good and had no real complaints (except for the normal ones) when I got that little "surprise" back in August. I've been keeping that one under my hat for a while but finally told some co-workers and friends that I am going out for surgery next week. Should be back in the saddle within a few weeks. As I have been telling more & more people, I ain't trying to seek sympathy or pity, but just trying to let everyone know of the importance of getting tested yearly. Maybe if anyone shows interest I may post my little diatribe to my friends.

Otherwise, life is good. I have always been grateful for what we have and never tried to complain about the hand we have been dealt (boy, doesn't that sound philosphical?).

Hope ya'll are doing well on this cold & wet evening!

Chance favors the prepared mind...